Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Appeal To Women's Self-Interest, Never Their Gratitude...

Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction


Hey, my name is K. and I'm 19. I started reading your material bout a month ago. I was always a good looking guy but I was never successful with women because I never knew how to interact with them or how to create attraction...After reading your material I was a CHANGED MAN. THANK YOU....

Using your techniques I met this hot girl at a party (redhead, sexy bod, nice breasts, awesome personality, 6'0) a F-ing hotty at its best. I teased her the entire night. When talking to her I charmed her friend, INSTEAD of her and teased her right in front of her friend, which got her very interested....At the end of thenight I easily got her #.

Called her a few nights later and then we went out. On the first date

I used:

-massive prizability techniques-the "point system" telling her she lost and won points for certain things. This got a very good reaction-showed interest in her then completely ignored her at times These mixed messages also got her very intrigued-gave her compliments then quickly teased her about something. -lots of cold reading. Cold reading gets such a GOOD reaction with women...they become so interested in hearing what you have to say about them.
So the date ended, and I didn't call her after the date. In fact, SHE CALLED ME 4 days later after I didn't call her...she was clearly chasin me because she saw me as the prize. I told her that I didn't call her because she smokes which I didn't like (which was a lie) and I said to her that Id give her "another chance"....which she thought to herself "who the F is this guy" (which she told me) but got her VERY interested.

So we had a 2nd date, went over well, and i ended up at her house....we made out, got really intense on the foreplay then itold her I had to leave..............and left. This girl is soooo wild, I can't even write it out...
3rd date will be a charm.

Thanks for the material you've published....I'm a diff person cause of it, not just with women but with people in general. Once again,thank you. It's amazing how easy it is to win women now, and how easy it is to tell what they want.
K - Washington

Swinggcat responds:

Great job bro. You're well on your way to becoming...Darth Vader. Just play'n.
You've really put into use many of the attraction techniques and concepts in my book: Push-Pull, Prizability, Prizing, Open Loops, Tension Loops, Cold Reading, Point System...and so on. You get my highest rating: an A-.
"I was always a good looking guy but I was never successful with women because I never knew how to interact with them or how to create attraction."
There's no denying it, looks can help. But the most important element, by far, is mastering the necessary skills to generateATTRACTION in women.
I know many "conventionally" good looking guys who can't ATTRACT women...even if their life depended on it. Likewise, some of myfriends are butt ugly yet endowed with the opposite problem most men have: so many attractive women want to sleep with them thatthey are always struggling to squeeze in a few minutes of alone time. Imagine that: Having so many women in your life that you lookforward to and covet a Saturday night alone.
Some people - especially those who've not yet studied my book - might misconstrue the techniques you used as mean and manipulative.Trying to win a woman over by doing "conventionally" nice things for her (think, for example, of buying her dinners, listening to her problems...and so on) is, ironically, more manipulative and a heck of a lot less effective than the techniques you used.

A basic law of persuasion is to always appeal to people's self-interest, never their gratitude. Put simply, goading a womanto feel thankful or guilty or that she owes you for all of the things you've done for her will NEVER generate ANY ATTRACTION in her. Many a woman will, in fact, feel that you're trying to manipulate her.

You, however, used techniques appealing to this woman's self-interest. I'm willing to go out on a limb that this woman would have felt less comfort and trust with you if you had tried to win her over by appealing to her gratitude.

Also, a man trying to generate attraction in a woman by appealing to her gratitude will come across as needy and smothering.

When you, instead, appeal to their self-interest, like you did, it creates a space, allowing them to feel attraction toward you and chase you all on their own.
Let's look at some examples of how you did this:
"I teased her the entire night. When talking to her I charmed her friend, INSTEAD of her and teased her right in front of her friend, which got her very interested....At the end of the night I easily got her #."

This is great! I'm sure there are some guys reading this, thinking, "What the F! If you tease and make fun of her, you risk messing up your chances with her."
Although counterintuitive, this couldn't be further from the truth. The more you worry about messing up your chances with a girl, the more likely you are to mess up your chances with her.
Most of the time women think men are interested in them. When you intentionally act in ways that undermine your interest in a woman - such as, teasing her - it plants a seed of doubt in her mind, making her think: "maybe he isn't interested."

One of the quickest ways a man can generate attraction with a woman is by not showing any attachment, worry or care about his intendedoutcome with her while simultaneously letting her know that he believes she is massively attracted to him. I suspect you conveyedthis through teasing her. Not in a mean, insulting way, conveying that you have a penchant for freelance dentistry, making her feel like you're on the cusp of pulling her teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers.

You teased her, instead, playfully, letting her know that you know how much she likes you and conveying that you could care less ifanything ensues.

When you tease a woman in this way the subtext is that you are the Prize she is trying to win over. She is chasing you. There is moreto gain for her than for you. You are appealing to her self-interest, not her gratitude.

You charmed and flirted with her friend while she was present and it increased the attraction - good for you.

Some women claim to be turned off by this. In my experience, however, women are attracted to men that are desired by other women. I can think of heaps of situations where a woman'sattraction toward me grew exponentially as she watched other women, charmed by my presence, vie for my attention.

"So the date ended, and I didn't call her after the date. In fact, SHE CALLED ME 4 days later after I didn't call her...she wasclearly chasin me because she saw me as the prize. I told her that I didn't call her because she smokes which I didn't like (which was a lie) and I said to her that I'd give her "another chance"....which she thought to herself "who the F is this guy" (which she told me) but got her VERY interested."

Good stuff. Did you not call her because you earnestly didn't think of calling her, or were you playing hard to get? If I feel likecalling a girl I just met, I call her ASAP. Am I risking her knowing that I dig her? Yes...but who cares? Women aren't turned off by men liking them. They are turned off by men attached to the outcome of getting together with them. This is called "neediness."

Telling her that you didn't call her because she smokes was a lie. Some women will see through this, exposing your attachment to theoutcome.

If you want to take your attraction skills a step further, sit down, get out a piece of paper, and take a few moments to come upwith what your standards and expectations with women are. Don't just come up with deal breakers. Think of all the annoying things women do that you are willing to tolerate if they have other qualities you like. The next time a woman does something that is annoying but you're willing to make an exception, tell her. You'll get a lot ofmileage out of this gem. If you don't get why this is powerful you need to reread my book.

"So we had a 2nd date, went over well, and i ended up at her house....we made out, got really intense on the foreplay then i told her I had to leave..............and left. This girl is soooo wild, I can't even write it out..."

Very nice! I do this too. Give a woman tremendous pleasure...but incompletely, leaving her wanting more.

Women are hit on all the time - especially if they're attractive. Looks, money, and fame sometimes appeal to women's self-interest...but usually it's short lived.

Fact: Some poor, fat, old, bald and ugly men attract heaps of gorgeous women...and these women find it in their self-interest to be with these men. Why?Because these men have mastered the underlying mechanisms for generating massive attraction in women.
What would life be like if you really had the necessary attraction skills to make beautiful women feel it's in their self-interest tobe with you?

Do you think it's possible?

I know it's possible and within your reach. Because I've made it my reality and I've taught others of all shapes and forms, coming fromall walks of life, making it a reality for them. Join the fun and make this a part of your reality too by allowing me to step-by-step spoon-feed you the tools you need to become the guy women can't get enough of. Download my book today.

Real World Seduction

Your Loyal Dating Coach,

"Dr. of Attraction"

P.S.-If you have a success story you would like to share, or a question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at: swinggcat@realworldseduction.com
Include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.

This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you know! Oh, and be sure not to just hit "reply" to this email, because I won't get it! Thanks!

Copyright 2004 Superior Living Inc. All rights reserved.

Swinggcat and RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of Superior Living Inc.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Great Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Learning Source

Here's a great Dating, Seduction and Attraction Learning Source to check out. There's some great links to resources on the subject of dating and seduction




Monday, November 22, 2004

How To Get More Power & Choice With Women Part 4

By Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction


Hey Swinggcat,

I got your book which I think is great. I especially liked the part where you said to a girl that since she wasn't bi-sexual, therelationship wouldn't work out because she'd bring ugly girls home. I laughed for 10 min about that one. I really like that you assign homework in your book which gives a goal that I feel that I have to meet, instead of just reading through a book and then saying 'ok, now what?'

Awhile ago I met this girl and ever since I've been teasing her, being funny and flirtatious. At one point she called me out and said that I had flirted with her since the day I met her which just proves how good girls are at picking up on that stuff (I was honestly just being myself and not trying to 'hit on her'). But she picked up on the flirting instantly.

There have been several times now where I could have hooked up with her but I choose not to because I can wait and because I can literally feel the sexual tension building, which I know is a good thing. Last night after she left my place she sent me an instant message which goes like this:

Her: why are you so shy?

ME: why do you want to know?

Her: you are more mysterious than i am...and it drives me insane

ME: good, my plan is working then

Her: haha, honestly, i'm curious

Her: i feel like u are afraid to talk to me

Her: BUT you intrigue the hell out of me...so i cant stop talking to you

ME: i'm not afraid to talk to you

Her: im going to break your shell

Her: and i did not mean that sexually

ME: well yeah, cause that shell's already broken

Her: lol

Her: fine, no pulling teeth tonight

ME: well good cause I need my teeth to eat

Her: im mad that i actually laughed out loud to that

Her: but i will find out your secret

she then tells me that she can't figure out why ihaven't made a move on her yet, but that she'sabsolutely intrigued and can't get enough of it. and that she hates talking online cause she wants a serious answer. which from reading your material and other stuff like it i know not to give her. so my question is, now that i've got this sexual tension built up, do i keep going with it? or do i 'make a move'?

i'm not so concerned about this situation inparticular. i just want to know in general is itbetter to keep building the tension until she is so frustrated/intrigued that she'll make the first move? or is it better to take the lead and make a move on my terms?
H from Philly

Swinggcat Responds:

First off: Great job for the work you did thus far.

I'd, though, get physical with her ASAP. I'm all for building tension, but if you let too much time elapse, things will fizzle out.

Sometimes I don't give women direct answers; other times I do. It really depends on the context. But, even if I tell a woman a lot about me, I'm always careful to leave something incomplete, making her come back for more.
Many times - not always - a woman accusing a man she's flirting with of being shy or gay is a sign that she is interested but feels he isn't giving her back any salient signs of interest.

Often times, responding to these accusation by acting nervous and insecure, or trying to prove to her that they aren't true, will kill any attraction that is there. There are exceptions, but, generally speaking, they will exterminate attraction faster than a can of Raid kills insects. When a woman accuses you of being shy, you need to turn it around on her.

I'm going to share something with you I wasn't going to put in a newsletter because it's that good. But what the heck - I'm feeling generous today.

Next time she accuses you of being shy, say, "You know what: I'm usually not shy around girl but, yes, I'm a little shy around you. To be honest, you scare me." She'll inevitably ask you why. Respond to her in a sarcastic tone with, "because you are already trying to domesticate me and we barely even know each other yet."

There is a lot of subtle and powerful communication in this. If you have read my book carefully you probably have an understanding of the power behind this. You should, nonetheless, reread the chapters on frames and reframing; and also, reread the newsletter, Turning Barriers Into Benefits. As your understanding of these concepts grow, you'll become lightening fast at coming up with on-the-fly, witty quips and comebacks to accusations women make toward you. Because my book breaks down the secret mechanisms behind successful comebacks, your need to have canned lines will be eliminated. In my upcoming audio course I go even deeper into the psychology of the comeback, giving you even more control over your interactions withwomen.
But if you have NOT yet downloaded a copy of my book, do so. It really lays the foundation for everything I'm going teach in my audio course.

Think back to all the times you might have gotten a girl but didn't because you didn't know what to say or how to respond. Stop letting these opportunities slip you by and let me spoon-feed you the necessary skills, giving you the power to always have the right words in every situation.
Do something about this part of your life today by downloading my book.

Real World Seduction

Your Loyal Dating Coach,


How To Get More Power & Choice With Women Part 3

By Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction

Awesome book dude...I`m a big fan....I had already read a friend's copy...would like to say that your stuff is well thought out & wasa big investment of your time to put to paper. Well worth the money. I've read almost every book out there...Yours is in the top 5% of actual hard core field useful stuff....good work...I'll be inline when you do a Part 2. This is actionable material...that a guy could read & do same day.


F from California

Swinggcat Responds:

I'm glad you're getting a lot of use out of my book - that gives me a real thrill. If you liked the book you'll be blown away by thesoon-to-be-released audio course.

How To Get More Power And Choice With Women Part 2

By Swinggcat – author of Real World Seduction


Dear SwingCat,

I'm in a messed up situation man. I broke up with my ex. Then did as you
advised (ignored her, went along with my life getting other chicks) and later
found myself making out with her at night in her room :). But I don't know, I
think I messed up again. She started asking me what to do with a guy she "really
likes" who she might visit in 2 weeks. I tried being making fun of him, said
"ha, he could serve us food while we are on vacation" but that got her more
annoyed and we ended up having a fight. She said she is not attracted to me unless
maybe she is very lonely. We fought, I yelled and left.

I don't know now...what do we men do when we sort of created attraction but
are being asked advise about other guys?

Thank you Swinggcat,

A from Detroit

Swinggcat responds:

Listen to me my man...move the F on!

You are putting way too much importance on this girl.

Making fun of her boyfriend only works within
the context of genuinely not giving an S what
she thinks. But she knows you still like her.
Stop trying to get her approval, man. Move
on...this girl seems twisted and sick in the
head. You are better than that.

How To Get More Power & Choice With Women Part 1

by Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction



First of all a massive thanks for these emails - some really great advice and information I would say is worth the price of your book alone. I will definitely be purchasing the book soon. It's great to know you are someone who clearly has done a lot of hard work and knows his stuff inside out. Makes a pleasant change to the crock of shi*t out there.

Basically I was seeing this girl for a couple of months who I then began to really like, unfortunately I turned into a wuss and sent her cringe-worthy emails, saying how much I liked her, etc. She now has no attraction towards me at all obviously. The bad thing is she works in the same building as me so I can't avoid her. So I just want to know what kind of things I could say to her to show I aint no wuss, just really would like to know how to undo a lot of sorry mess I created. I don't really care if I end up back with her ornot (her mate is a lot nicer) but can't have her and her mates thinking I am weak. Would love to shock them!

Any comments appreciated,

M from UK

Swinggcat responds:
First off, I am glad you are getting a lot out of my newsletters. I do put a ton of work into creating the very best materials available for attracting and being successful with women. Many of my competitors are probably pissed, knowing that I am always raising the bar of what "excellent" material is.

As good as you feel my newsletters are you need to read my book. Inside my book you'll discover many understandings and techniques Idon't talk about in newsletters. Put simply, my book will give you a complete understanding of how to attract and succeed with women.
As for you killing the attraction lobotomy-style, eviscerating the part of her brain that felt attraction toward you, suck it up! I'm sure there is a collective "I've been there before too, bro" nod coming from just about every guy reading this.

You say you don't want her back, yet you want to shock her and her friends so they DON'T think you are weak. If you continue to think this way, however, game over, battle lost for you. You'll rise to the top of the Weak-O-Meter. You've got to change your thinking.
Any plan to shock her and her mates is an attempt to get their approval and validation - a tragic try at getting them to see and judge you as strong. Don't feel bad. Just about every guy on the planet has at some point in his life, similar to you, thought: "If I could only get her to see me as strong, witty, sexy...and so on,she'd be attracted to me." Here is the paradox though: The best crack you can take at getting her to see you as strong, is to STOP trying to get her to see you as strong. Seriously...STOP IT!! By caring how she sees and judges you you're, unknowingly, making her your puppet master, allowing her to control you by pulling your strings.

If you cease caring about how she judges you, however, there is a good chance she will perceive you as attractive. But, if she picks up on even a smidgen of you caring how she judges you, your chances of her seeing you as attractive are slim to none.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Why Most Pick Up Lines Don't Work...And What To Do About It

By Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction

Hey guys, Many a man has been at a bar, spotted an attractive woman and thought to himself, "Wow! She really works those breasts, bouncy bouncy." Next, he went up to talk to her and within the first thirty seconds of conversation the poor bastard went belly up as she hammered him to jelly. He, then, walked away hunchbacked and long faced, wearing anexistential funk ten times the size of his deflated ego.

You can probably relate. I know I can. I've been there about a billion times. Heck! - I used to be so scared to approach an attractive woman that I'd imagine her steamrolling me, leaving me for road kill in her wake. How coolis that - I'd disqualify myself without even talking to her.

Meeting and approaching women is no easy business for those who haven't mastered the necessary skills. Let's take a look at whythis is so.

Realize this: We approach women in the wake of their cuteness - and they know it. Without them uttering a single word, they hook us in.Half the time, even if you find them less attractive than the stench of foot and *ass* combined, they'll still genuinely believe you're hitting on them.

This, of course, is about to change. So keep reading.

Watching most men approach an attractive woman is as depressing as a costume ball for demented children. The woman is like a pro fisherman with top notch bait and the guy is like a poor little fish, soon to be chopped up, fried, and eaten for dinner. Even if he's a fighter, it's too late - he's already on the hook (Albeit, if he happens to be her physical type, he's got a shot at success).

I'm also a fish - but an F-ed up, twisted, über alien barracuda. Just when they feel that they have me on their hook I start throwing bait at them. They start chomping away at the bait and, then, bam - they're on my hook and I'm reeling them in.

Let me give you an example. If I'm at a nightclub, I might stand in a crowed area - maybe near the bar or ladies restroom. As a woman walks by I'll stick out my elbow making it inevitable that she'll bump into it. And then in an overdramatic and offended tone I'll utter: "Ow...you hurt me." Ninety-seven percent of the time, women will stick their hand out to touch me and apologize with some variant of, "Oh my...I'm so sorry." I'll usually shoot back with, "You can touch me but...only if you tell me an interesting story or a funny joke."

Not only is this a bundle of fun but also a powerful means of emotionally hooking a woman. Once most guys find a woman attractive - usually within the first few seconds of meeting her - they start thinking of ways to get her approval, win her over, and prove themselves to her. Put simply, she has them emotionally hooked and she knows it. Just about anything they do to impress her, is a sign she is reeling them in even closer. With my example above, however, I'm doing the opposite. Instead of me proving myself to her, I'm making her prove herself to me. I'm the sought after Prize, not her.

A caveat: In many contexts it is useful to praise and acknowledge qualities about a woman you find worthy. This only works, however, if you communicate to her that your worth is - at the very least - slightly higher than hers.

In every male/female interaction only one person can be the Prize at a given time. Two people can't simultaneously chase each other. There are exceptions but, generally speaking, you want the woman chasing you as a Prize she is trying to win over.

The advantage of having looks, money, fame...or whatever is that sometimes you have a built in hook with women. In and of it self, though, this is not enough to hook most women.

That's why the only foolproof road to success with women is having the knowledge to emotionally hook them regardless of having these things.

I don't care if you have the best pickup lines in the world or the funniest stories or the coolest car or massive biceps...or whatever. If you can't emotionally hook awoman in the first few minutes of meeting her, your chances of success are very slim.

Having, however, the skills and understandings to emotionally hook women, compelling them to want and reach and chase for more of you, will give you so much power and choice with women that the possibilities are endless. I've taken the time and effort to put together a book on attracting women. And a big part of this book is dedicated toemotionally hooking women, making them compelled to want and reach and chase for more of you. You won't find the lion's share of this information in other books. Much of it I discovered through heaps of testing and experimenting with real women in the real world. Realize that knowing how to emotionally hook women will transform everything from meeting and approaching them, to interacting with them, to generating massive attraction in them, to getting physical and sleeping with them.

Just think how your current success with women will change if you take this opportunity to crack open my brain and get an insiders look into how I think by downloading my book today.

Real World Seduction

Your Loyal Dating Coach,


P.S.-If you have a success story you would like to share, or a question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at: swinggcat@realworldseduction.com

Include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.

This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you know! Oh, and be sure not to just hit "reply" to this email, because I won't get it! Thanks!

Copyright 2004 Superior Living Inc. All rights reserved. Swinggcat and RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of Superior Living Inc.

Friday, November 05, 2004

The Secret To Getting What You Want From Women...

Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction

A few weeks ago I saw Trey Parker's movie, "Team America: World Police." The whole movie is done with marionette puppets. You might be scratching your head, wondering: "What in the world do marionette puppets have anything to do with increasing my success with women?" As you read on their importance will probably hit you harder than the bottom of a scolding frying pan bi*tch-slapping you against the center of your forehead.

Before I go any further, I've got two questions for you:

1) What kind of success would you realistically like to have with women?

2) When no one is watching, listening, or judging you, what type of success do you fantasize about having with women?

If you earnestly answered both questions, I'm willing to bet you came up with two very different answers. The second question reflects what you truly want; while the first question reflects what you want minus many of your desires society has programmed you to (1)believe you are incapable of having, achieving or experiencing, and (2)feel shame for wanting.
Cultural programming starts around the time we pop out of the womb. Whether it comes from family or friends, T.V. or newspapers...all ofthe above or something entirely different, we are conditioned to believe certain desires are not obtainable. Almost every guy at some point in his life has believed that due to his, for example, looks, weight, height, age, level of education, social status, financial success...and so on, he was incapable of succeeding with certain types of women he desired. In his reality, it was NOT possible.
A lot of guys, furthermore, are culturally conditioned to feel shame for desiring, for example, one night stands, no-strings-attached sex, women ten years younger than them or more,threesomes...and so on, fearing they'll be stigmatized as a player, pimp, or sleazy lounge-lizard.

Some guys will even sabotage a situation where a beautiful woman is massively attracted to them, all because they feel they don't deserve her.

You're probably allowing some form of social programming to HINDER your current success with women. Like a puppet master pulling the strings of a marionette, controlling what it does, our cultural programming pulls our strings, determining our destinies.
I'm going to share with you something that has helped me sever these strings, allowing me to break away from negative cultural programming and, thus, skyrocketing my success with women. This something is what I call: "Finding Your Selfish Zen."

Buddhists strive to reach Zen, an enlightened state of complete detachment from worldly desires and sense of self. I had similar aspirations in college, yet there was one childhood wish I failed to purge myself of. As a teenager I remember looking at my father's back issues of Playboy magazine, thinking: "I want to sleep with heaps of centerfolds, not because they're Mother Teresa incarnate but because they're super hot and look like bundles of debauching mirth." As time went on, this desire didn't ebb; instead, it lingered in my loins. If I was at the supermarket, dog park, beach, club, bar...or wherever and spotted a desirable woman who put, to borrow an idiom from Austin Powers, "the jumbo in my mojo," I wanted to sleep with her, then and there. No strings attached. Norelationship. I wanted to live it up, roman emperor style. Superficial, glib, licentious, lecherous, lewd, lascivious aren't the right words but they're the first ones that come to the collective mind of our culture.

Living out this desire, on the one hand, excited me. On the other hand, it was the ember in me I was trying to extinguish.

The strife within me ended the day I found my selfish Zen. I realized it didn't matter that I yearned to live out a fantasy. Was it superficial? Yes. Was it a result of too much exposure to media, conditioning me from when I was a little ejaculate to lust only after long legged brunettes and busty blondes? I dunno, probably. Was it something biologically hard wired into me? Maybe. Was living out my silly little wish a one-way ticket to life long happiness? Probably not.
The point is: You can live out your desires without playing by societies rules. You can have your cake and eat it too.

Am I against traditional relationships with women? Not at all. There have actually been times in my life where I have sought out and enjoyed traditional relationships.
The issue, however, I am trying to drive home is: Go after what you want with no excuses.
This, in fact, is one of the BIG KEYS to having massive success with women.

One thing I talk a lot about is having a strong intent, which is congruently:

1) Having the desire and the will to do what needs to be done to achieve a particular outcome.

2) Having the unwavering belief that you not only will achieve your intended outcome but also are entitled to obtaining it.

Having even a smattering of doubt, guilt or shame about your goals and desires with women will significantly decrease your success.

In my book you will learn and master the necessary skills and understandings for purging yourself of any doubt, guilt or shame, allowing you to develop a powerful intent. When you couple this with the hundreds of Real-World, Field-Tested, Easy-To-Master secrets you will discover in my book it is inevitable that yoursuccess with women will exponentially balloon. Many other dating experts will tell you: "If you're not good looking, rich, famous or lumbered with an elephant sized trunk between your legs, you've got little chance succeeding with women you truly desire and, therefore, are better off going for someone in your league." This is crap. These people are so steeped in bad cultural programming it's not even funny. I believe you are capable of much much more. Imagine for a second just how much your success with women will soar once you have mastered the skills to purge yourself of everysmidgen of doubt, guilt, and shame. Start making the limits of your possibilities with women nothing short of your imagination, bypicking up a copy of Real World Seduction today.


'Till next time,


P.S.-If you have a success story you would like to share, or a question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at:


Include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.
This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you know! Oh, and be sure not to just hit "reply" to this email, because I won't get it!

Copyright 2004 Superior Living Inc. All rights reserved. Swinggcat and RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of Superior Living Inc.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Male Coquetting & Seductive Body Language…

I recently saw a 1965 film called, “The Knack...And How to Get It.” Basically it’s about a guy taking lessons from a master ladies man on getting women. The movie has some masterful examples of male coquetting and seductive body language. Check it out! You’ll learn a lot.

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

How An Overweight, Unattractive Guy Seduced And Attracted A Model He Had Just Met At a Trendy Night Club Into Playing Tonsil Hockey With Him…

By Swinggcat- author of RealWorldSeduction

Hey Guys,

A while back someone emailed me a great success story. I saved it on my computer and forgot about it. Last week I was going through my computer and found it. I thought, “Wow! - this is a really great story,” and was planning on using it in my last newsletter. But, then, as I was reading through it, I thought to myself, “there is so much good stuff going on here, I could do a whole newsletter on it.” And that’s exactly what I’m doing. Enjoy!

“Hey Swinggcat! There once was a time when I would walk into a bar, look at all the beautiful women having fun with guys who were NOT me, and get depressed. So I’d start drinking, and that would only make me more depressed. Eventually I’d go home alone, hating the world, hating women, and most of all, hating myself for not even TRYING to have fun.

Bars and clubs can be an intimidating environment. Until recently, it wasn’t in my reality to believe that I could actually make out with a girl in either location. Sure, I’d seen guys do it before, but to think that *I* could was just beyond any logical reasoning my mind could grasp.

But in reading through Swinggcat’s book, there was a chapter that really stuck out at me. That was the chapter on FRAMES. As Swinggcat defines it, a frame determines the underlying meaning of behaviors and actions.

I’ve found this is a *key* concept in understanding any interaction with women.

When you enter a situation you may feel uncomfortable with, the natural inclination is to be overwhelmed by the FRAME your environment presents. If you allow this to happen, you effectively give up any control over your behaviors and actions. This is the worst possible thing you can do if you are hoping to meet the girl of your dreams. Controlling your FRAME, and setting the right FRAME, as opposed to adopting the FRAMES presented to you, is the most powerful tool there is in getting a woman.

Allow me to demonstrate what I mean.

I was recently in a very trendy club in Los Angeles. It was the kind with some low level celebrities, some incredibly beautiful women, some incredibly rich men, sexy go-go dancers swinging around on poles, trendy techno music, and tastefully pornographic movies projected on the walls. In short: IT WAS THE MOST INTIMIDATING ENVIRONMENT KNOWN TO MAN!

So there I am, a guy who’s about 50 lbs. overweight, who’s bald, and who makes $30 Grand a year, hob-knobbing with models and porno stars. And wouldn’t you know it, the same feeling I got when I went to a bar in the past began to creep up on me. But because I was able to understand the concept of controlling my FRAME, I was able to do something amazing.

I set the frame that I’m having a good time, that all the girls in the club liked me, and that I was going to have fun with them. Before long, I found myself in a conversation with a beautiful girl who is a model. In fact, she told me she’s going to be on the next season of “America’s Next Top Model.” Because I approached her with a strong frame of having fun and that I was the PRIZE, she was very responsive to me. She eventually got dragged away by some friends (as is apt to happen in clubs). But later on, I saw her talking to a group of guys who were obviously trying to hit on her.

But because my frame was so strong, I walked up to the group, took her by the hand, and literally LEAD her onto the dance floor, away from all the moes she was talking to, who watched in stunned silence and a poor, bald, fat guy grinded away with this amazing girl in front of them. And not only that – SHE WAS INTO IT!

So there I am, body pressed up against this girl, having the best time in the world, and I think to myself “I should make out with her!”

So I did. I grabbed her and planted one right on her lips. And not only did she react well, but she reciprocated! Before long, our tongues were in a fencing match with each other, and I was the envy of about 78% of the club. It was a reality shattering experience for me, because until that point, the only place I’d ever made out with a girl was either in my car or in the bedroom after about 3 or 4 dates.

So what was different? The answer: My Frame! I set the frame where I was the PRIZE, where she was trying to win ME over, and where she wants me so bad that she WANTED to make-out with me. And because I set the strong frame, the model I was with WENT ALONG WITH IT! Now, I can now go into a club without that sinking feeling of depression dragging me down, because I know it is possible to not only have fun, but to meet any girl I want and make-out with her! You just gotta have the right frame.

Thanks Swinggcat!”
- M from Pasadena

My response:

Damn! – talk about a geek to sheik story. This guy went from “classified gimp” to “certified pimp.” What was is it that allowed him to do this? The sole enabling factor was this: He understood the power of ESTABLISHING himself as the PRIZE when interacting with women. In my book I call this PRIZABILITY.

As those of you who have been following my newsletters and have read my book know: ATTRACTION is not what a woman prefers. ATTRACTION is creating the emotion inside a woman of wanting, reaching for more of you. The art of creating this emotion inside women is what call PRIZING.

You cannot, however, create the emotion in a woman of her wanting and reaching for more of you if she does not perceive you as being the PRIZE. Put in other words, before you can ATTRACT her, you need to set the groundwork that you are the PRIZE. You can’t make a woman want more of you if she does not view you as having any perceived value.

Even having good looks and lots of money, in and of themselves, doesn’t necessarily suffice in establishing that you are the PRIZE with women.

A more efficient way of ESTABLISHING yourself as the PRIZE is through developing specific social skills. Learning to, for example, tell stories, cold read, be intriguing, develop your sense of humor…and so on. I do all of these things, and, in fact, I teach them in my book.


The most powerful way, however, to establish PRIZABILITY is to ALWAYS define the underlying meaning of your interactions with women as you being the one who is the PRIZE. In my book I call this the META-FRAME.

In fact, all of the other methods for establishing PRIZABILITY- such as, telling stories, cold reading, being intriguing, saying something funny…and so on – only work in conjunction with you defining the META-FRAME as you being the PRIZE.

If you are doing a bunch of things to try to establish your PRIZABILITY with a woman – such as, story telling and acting funny – but you are not defining the underlying meaning of your interaction with her as you being the one who is the PRIZE, you will, unknowingly, establish negative PRIZABILITY.

Put in other words, doing or saying things to increase your PRIZABILTY within the context – or META-FRAME - of you not being the PRIZE will inevitably make you look needy, pathetic, and desperate.

Before learning anything else about dating or ATTRACTING women, you need to know how to ESTABLISH the META-FRAME that you are the PRIZE in the interaction. Even if you have all of the social skills in the world, without knowing how to set the META-FRAME your skills are worthless when comes to ATTRACTING women. If you do not yet have a handle on this, you need to read my book, RealWorldSeduction .

When you are fat, bald, and broke, like M from Pasadena, a woman’s default assumption is probably going to be that you are not the PRIZE. To make matters worse, your default assumption about yourself might be that you aren’t the PRIZE.

As M from Pasadena tells us: “When you enter a situation you may feel uncomfortable with, the natural inclination is to be overwhelmed by the FRAME your environment presents. If you allow this to happen, you effectively give up any control over your behaviors and actions. This is the worst possible thing you can do if you are hoping to meet the girl of your dreams. Controlling your FRAME, and setting the right FRAME, as opposed to adopting the FRAMES presented to you, is the most powerful tool there is in getting a woman.”

M refuses to allow society, his environment, and the people he is around to dictate his FRAME and META-FRAME.

Just doing this can establish PRIZABILITY because it conveys to women that you are in control of your power, have a strong sense of self, and have an unswayable REALITY. These are all qualities women find PRIZABLE in men.

M continues: “I set the frame where I was the PRIZE, where she was trying to win ME over, and where she wants me so bad that she WANTED to make-out with me. And because I set the strong frame, the model I was with WENT ALONG WITH IT! Now, I can now go into a club without that sinking feeling of depression dragging me down, because I know it is possible to not only have fun, but to meet any girl I want and make-out with her! You just gotta have the right frame.”

Let’s remember, he didn’t play tonsil hockey with just any girl, he did it with a woman who is going to be on the next season of “America’s Next Top Model.” And he was able to do this in spite of being fat, bald, and broke – all because he established the META-FRAME that he is the PRIZE.

When you ASSUME that you have perceived value, and KNOW how to establish the META-FRAME that you are the PRIZE, women will see you as a PRIZE they want to win over – and it doesn’t matter if you’re fat, or bald or broke…or whatever. If, however, you are good looking and rich yet do not have the skill set for establishing the META-FRAME that you are the PRIZE, your success with women will be mediocre at best. That’s how important the META-FRAME is. With some guys, it almost seems like they were born with it. Not me. I had to learn how to establish the META-FRAME through a lot of experimenting and hard work. If you want to save yourself truck loads of time, come check out my book and learn how to establish the META-FRAME within a few hours:


'Till next time,


P.S. – I recently started an affiliate program where I am giving high commissions on sales generated by my affiliates. So, if you have been enjoying my book and newsletters, and you run a website where you think your visitors would be interested in my book, sign up for my affiliate program.


P.S.S.-If you have a success story you would like to
share, or a question you would like to ask, or a
comment you would like to make, please email me at:


Include the fist initial of your first and last
name. And include the country, state/province,
and city you live in.

This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you
know! Oh, and be sure not to just hit "reply" to
this email, because I won't get it!


Copyright 2004 Superior Living Inc. All rights reserved.
Swinggcat and RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of
Superior Living Inc.

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Forbidden Attraction & Seduction Secret To Getting Past Women’s Sexual Defenses…Most Women Don’t Want You To Know…

By Swinggcat- author of RealWorldSeduction

Hey guys,

I want to share a secret with you that will blow your mind. Warning: When you first hear this secret you might feel a bit disconcerted. If you already have truck loads of experience with women you might think to yourself, “Wow…someone else knows about this too!” If you are a woman reading this, you might say to yourself, “No! – Now the male world is going to be privy to the truth.”

Most guys who have at least some experience in the “dating game” have encountered women who were ATTRACTED to them but would not kiss them. Almost a hundred percent of the time men respond to this barrier in the same way, as if they were one person with one brain. They think that if a woman won’t kiss them, she will not have sex with them.

They assume to get sexual with her they need to kiss her first, and to kiss her they need to build an emotional connection with her. Sometimes it’s important to build an emotional connection, making her feel comfortable with you, before getting sexual with her. Other times, however, it’s not.

There are situations where trying to kiss a woman or build an emotional connection with a woman will actually deter you from having sex with her. Most men, however, are incompetent with a dash of stupidity in these situations. This is because men’s minds are designed to process information in a logical and linear way. Women’s emotions, however, don’t work in a linear fashion.

Men intuitively think that in order to sleep with a woman they have to go through a linear sequence of steps. When women put up resistance, many men construe it as a barrier they must break down to progress to the next step. This usually ensues in more resistance.

So this begs the question: “What is the secret way, Swinggcat, for handling women who like you but will not kiss you?”

I discovered this secret many years ago while out one night with this woman who is lumbered with one of the most perfect bodies I have ever seen. She was wearing low cut jeans. As she walked her jeans began to slip down, down down they slipped, down around the cheeks of her rear, a perfect rim of thing, held up by the crotch of her pants. Not only was I aroused, but focused on my goal: To score with this luscious babe. I managed to get her into my bedroom. We sat and talked on my bed. I remember she was wearing this low cut top. “She’s really working those breasts in there, bouncy bouncy,” I thought to myself. We started to cuddle. I was aroused – indeed. I went in for the kill, smacking my lips against hers. I was, however, unpleasantly surprised as she pushed me away. I made a few tragic tries at connecting with her. Then made a few more frustrating attempts at kissing her but she kept pushing me away. This started to put my teeth on edge. To ease the frustration I started daydreaming about a hot bath, an all you can eat buffet …and something to keep me going – a picture of myself on a king size bed with two really hot girls, them kissing each other, me kissing them. Then I drifted back to reality, and started to agonize: “It’s going to be impossible to get this girl to kiss me.”

“To ease my mind,” I thought, “I will try something so impossible that I won’t even be able to agonize over it succeeding. I am going to attempt to have sex with her without even kissing her.” So, this is what I did: I spooned her from behind, started rubbing her thighs, lowered her pants, and started stimulating her with my fingers. This ensued in sex.

Here’s what’s weird: Afterwards I tried to kiss her, but she pushed me away. Since then I have realized that many women will have sex with a man, despite their disinclination to get intimate with him.

This, my friends, is the crux of the issue: Just because a woman resists being intimate with you, doesn’t mean she is not open to having sex with you. And sometimes trying to emotionally connect with a woman will only make her resist more.

Am I saying that all women don’t want an emotional connection? Not at all – many do. There are, however, a lot women who are not open to having an emotional connection with a stranger – maybe, for example, they are married, or have been hurt in a past relationship, or have a hard time trusting people they don’t know well – yet they are open to having sex with one.

There are, furthermore, a number of women in committed relationships who are open to having sex with strangers, yet will not kiss them. “This is because ‘kissing’ is meaningful, while sex is just sex,” to quote female friend of mine. Her words voice the sentiments of part of the female population. This is not something I endorse. It is important, however, to be aware that this is the reality of some women.

The moral of the lesson is this: Attracting women is not always a linear process. Although a lot of women need to feel comfortable and have an emotional connection with a man before sleeping with him, other females flee from these emotional connections. So, if you find yourself confronted with a barrier, back up and assess the sort of woman you are dealing with before proceeding further.

Being able to handle these barriers comes down to knowing how to set strong frames, and read women. Both of these subjects are covered in my book. I’m getting ready to release a ton of mind shattering material. To benefit the most from it, you need to have read my book. So, if you haven’t taken the chance to pick up a copy, do so today.





Dude if we ever meet I owe you dinner. I used to be so shy talking to chicks at clubs. Your book has really changed that. I used your qualifying and challenging technique to make out with a hotty in a bar for the first time. Swinggcat, you da man!

A from Texas

My Comments:

Hearing this makes me feel that all of my effort is worth while. I would love to use this as a testimonial on my webpage – cool? Keep up the good work.


Greetings. Thanks for sending the book. It is outstanding and I am learning something each time I refer to it. Also, great job at the *** Mastery conference. Your presentation was outstanding!
- J from the military
My Comments:

Thank you. Did we have a chance to talk at the seminar?


hi there…i have been having some good success with your meta intent exercise from your charisma newsletter. I have always had a hard time getting really good looking girl to keep talking to me. but since doing the exercise they don’t want to leave me. they just keep wanting stay longer. but I want to turn it physical. how do I do that?

My Comments:

Good job on doing the Meta-Intent exercise. I’m going to go out on a limb, though, and guess that you haven’t read my book – am I right?

In my book I describe in great detail how to go from talking to a woman to getting physical with her. This is a subject that is almost entirely neglected by other dating experts. One of the specific techniques I talk about in my book is “physical push-pull.” This is when you “physically” pull a woman into you, and then “physically” push her away from you. Doing this emotionally compels women to WANT to get physical with you. Mastering this one skill - no matter what your skill with women currently is - will increase your success with women by a minimum of 50%.

My book is probably the only place on the planet where you can learn physical push-pull. So, take your success with women to the next level by picking up a copy today.


'Till next time,


P.S.-If you have a success story you would like to share, or a question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at swinggcat@realworldseduction.com

Include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.

This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you know! Oh, and be sure not to just hit "reply" to this email, because I won't get it! Thanks!
Copyright 2004 Superior Living Inc. All rights reserved. Swinggcat and RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of Superior Living Inc.

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Make Them Strive To Earn The Prize…

By Swinggcat- author of RealWorldSeduction

Hey guys,

Due to the nature of my book I get a lot of e-mails from customers who have a great many personal questions that need some special tender-loving care. One in particular caught my attention and touches on a subject I think is REALLY important, so I wanted to share it with you:



Hi Swinggcat,

I'm trying to figure out why this girl I have been seeing will no longer kiss me, considering that a few months back she let me both kiss and have oral sex with her. After coming home and sleeping next to me two weekends ago, she told me she'll be ready to have sex in about two months. Last weekend I drove to her in Irvine for a dinner and movie. She paid for dinner (I offered money and she declined, I told her I'm glad she makes good money so she can support me), and I paid for the movie but she got us half price with a coupon.

I'm hanging in there because I really like her and want her to take me to China in April for business and fun, so I don't want to screw it up. I don't mind not having sex as I get that from my SF girlfriend, but at least some kissing and loving would be nice!!! I don't know how to handle her to create more attraction but I have stopped trying to get any kisses, but I'm not cold to her either. I don't know how much to stand off, I don't want to give the wrong idea. Obviously she still likes me and considers me or she wouldn't waste another date with me.

Thanks for any help,

-A from CA



My first thought was: "Can I come to China too? I've always wanted eat dog tail.” But then I remembered that dog tail is served in Thailand, not China.

But my second thought is the one I want to talk about more. First off, I am really in awe of this guy for having the courage to ask for help. For many, asking for help can be a humbling experience yet it is one of the best ways to take a giant step towards massive success in life. I know that back when I first started learning about this stuff, I would have never had the guts to reach out and ask for help in this way. So, this guy is a better man than I was when I first started learning this stuff.

Also, I really liked when he told her: “I'm glad you make good money so you can support me”. This was great because he communicated the message that he was the PRIZE. I'm going to have to steal that the next time I'm out! LOL!

But the crux of the issue here (and this is something almost ALL guys overlook in their interactions with women) is less about trying to create more ATTRACTION, and more about being conscious of, and in control of, the underlying meaning of your interactions
with her.

Before I explain what I mean by this, I am going to digress by telling you a little story:

A few nights ago I was sitting around with some friends talking about what triggers attraction in females. One of the people there, a female exotic dancer, jumped into the conversation by saying, “You guys are thinking about this all wrong: Women are attracted to men who don’t try to attract them. And the guys who do try to attract them become un-attractive by doing so!"

Maybe I had lost mind due to her slipping something funny into my drink, but she started to make a whole lot of sense. I think there is a lot of subtle, yet fundamental,
psychology going on here, and brings up 2 specific points that I think most guys need to be conscious of:

1) When men try to make a woman attracted to them it implies that they are more attracted to the woman than the woman is to them—it communicates that they believe she is of greater value than themselves. Put in other words, the FRAME being set—the underlying meaning of the interaction—is that she is the PRIZE to be won over.

2) Attraction is less about a judgment a person makes about you and more about what you make that person’s mind and body do.

So, when men do things to get women to see them as ATTRACTIVE or more PRIZABLE—such as, trying to impress them with their money, or trying to be funny—they are giving the woman the power of being the judge in the interaction. This is bad because the only one whose attraction increases is the man.

Perhaps this is why women are attracted to men who are indifferent and have high standards. This sort of man cares less if the woman is into him. Instead he is busy figuring out if she QUALIFIES as the sort of woman he finds attractive.

Often times this makes the woman try to prove to him that she is ATTRACTIVE. Think about what this man is doing to this woman’s mind and body. Think about what is happening to her. She is becoming, often times unknowingly, ATTRACTED to him.

So, my advice to you is to firstly, have really high standards with your interactions with women. Convey the message to them that if she falls short of your standards and expectations, they will blow their chances with you. This will set the frame that you are judging them, not the other way around.

Secondly, be indifferent to them. Convey to them that it will be no loss at all if they blow their chances with you (in fact, this would be a convenience considering that it would give you more time to do other things). So, the attitude towards them should be: one way or the other IT DOESN’T REALLTY MATTER.

Thirdly, always be aware of the underlying meaning of your interaction with them. If you ever find yourself trying to make them see you as attractive, or allowing them to disrespect you, or letting them judge you, they are controlling the frame. And, if you want them to be attracted to you, you need to take back control of the frame. This means upping your standards with them and becoming even more indifferent towards them.

Fourthly, reread the chapters in my book on Beliefs, Frames, and Qualifying & Challenging if you want to know more about this. These chapters cover those topics IN DEPTH! And the only place you can find them detailed in such a down-to-earth manner is in my guide
to Real World Seduction. In fact, I feel sorry for anyone who DOESN'T have my book, since they are most likely not enjoying as much success with women as they could be if they took their first step to getting that part of their life in order by picking up a copy at:


'Till next time,


P.S. -If you have a success story you would like to share, or a question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at:


Include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.

This whole "learning" thing goes both ways, you know! Oh, and be sure not to just hit "reply" to this email, because I won't get it! Thanks!

Copyright 2004 Superior Living Inc. All rights reserved. Swinggcat and
RealWorldSeduction are trademarks of Superior Living Inc.

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Interview With The Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Expert, Swinggcat

An Interview with Swinggcat

In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book “Real World Seduction.” Famous in the Speed Seduction community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of gurus such as David DeAngelo with the amazing debut of his eBook which took a new look at the way Seduction and Attraction can be accomplished.

Now, in this exclusive interview, Swinggcat talks about his background, his development, his theories on seduction and attraction, and what he’s planning for the future.

This interview will be spread into several parts throughout the course of the week. It should be noted that this is a transcribed text of my conversation, and has been edited by me to make it read better.


Thundercat: Thanks for being with me today Swinggcat.

Swinggcat: Oh, no problem Thundercat. You want me to call you “Thunder” for short?

T: (Laughter) Only if I can call you “Swingg.” Alright man, why don’t you give us some background on who you are and how you got into this whole “seduction” thing.

S: When I was in JR high school, I was a total nerd—I was REALLY awkward and shy around girls. So, the summer going into 9th grade I gave myself a complete make over. My daily routine that summer was waking up, walking to the bookstore, reading self books on confidence and dating , perusing teeny bopper magazines for trendy styles, and picking up girls at the mall. This F-ing transformed me. By the time school started I was a new man. I was not the stud of my high school but I was getting laid (and I do have some great stories about high school—maybe I will share them in our next interview—I don’t know). In fact, by the end of eleventh grade I was voted biggest flirt…so I must have been moving in the right erection…I mean direction (laughs).

T: (Laughs) How did you get involved in this seduction community?

S: Around this time—well maybe a little after, I cant remember anymore—I saw this special on Fox 11 News about this creepy guy who was giving seminars to nerdy men on how to use hypnosis to get women into bed. They also interviewed this guy’s top student, Mark housewife banging Cuningham, a dumpy little man whose seduction niche was sleeping with married women. The girl I was watching it with commented, “This is some creepy shit!”, to which I concurred and then proceeded to look him up on the internet. I found his book and some newsletters he had written. In his book and newsletters he talked about using something called Patterns which were used to put women into trance states making it easier to bed them. The patterns seemed like excerpts taken out of some really cheesy romance book. They seemed like a shit pot full of work to memorize. I think at the time he offered a home study course for a few hundred dollars. But I was too cheap to splurge the cabbage. However, shortly after, I had an experience which made me think there was something to what this guy was teaching. I was out with a friend of mine, and a girl he really liked, and she started off liking him too. And I played this little visualization game with her where I had her imagine her ideal vacation, and her ideal romantic lover. And… long story short, by the end of it I was making out with her. So at this point I thought there was something to his stuff, but still did not have a big enough interest to fork over the cashola for his course.

T: Hm…So, what made you eventually cave in to buy his home study course?

S: Well this is an interesting story: When I was in high school I was living in L.A., so, while my sex life could have been better, I was still getting laid. But then in college my sex life plummeted. And then one night after not being laid in months I broke down, and ended up bedding a warpig I met at a frat party…we’re talking a good hundred and sixty pounder who had more facial hair than I currently would have if I abstained from shaving for a week. I think I will be forever traumatized by the vivid memory of waking up the next morning after shagging Miss. Hippo. I was half crushed by her enormous torso, and half depressed that I stooped to an all time low. At this moment I knew that I had to get this area of my life out of the way. I still remember leaving her sorority house (God…to think they let this creature in to a sorority), washing the stench of warpig off me, and out of desperation, ordering the stupid study course. But ultimately, what made me get the home study course was not that I thought there was great material in there, it was that there was a community of men who went out and would practice this stuff. Because most of the guys I knew in college, you know, very intellectual guys, kind-of balked and looked down upon the idea of going out and spending time seducing and picking up women, and I was quite excited to get into this community and meet these people. I bought the home study course, joined Ross’s list, and met up with some of the guys.

T: So what was it like meeting the guys?

I was really excited, I was expecting these really kind-of “GQ”-esque looking guys, you know, real “ladies men” – like, I remember I was meeting some of them at a coffee shop and I thought they’d be the life of the party, and I remember going up to some frat boys because that’s who I thought they were, saying “Oh, are you guys the brothers?” And they kind-of looked at me weird. And then I noticed some kind-of small, disheveled looking guys with receding hairlines and protruding guts in the corner of the coffee shop, and I just went up to them to ask them if they had seen any guys that looked like the “fun party guys.” And they’re like (in zombie voice) “Oh, you must be brother Swinggcat.”

You can visit Swinggcat's website, RealWorldSeduction

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Part 2: Interview With The Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Expert, Swinggcat

An Interview with Swinggcat

In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book “Real World Seduction.” Famous in the Speed Seduction community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of gurus such as David DeAngelo with the amazing debut of his eBook which took a new look at the way Seduction and Attraction can be accomplished.

Now, in this exclusive interview, Swinggcat talks about his background, his development, his theories on seduction and attraction, and what he’s planning for the future.

This interview will be spread into several parts throughout the course of the week. It should be noted that this is a transcribed text of my conversation, and has been edited by me to make it read better.


T: You seem like a guy who was already pretty good with women before you even got into this stuff…am I right?

S: I was a guy who, you know, got laid. Not as much as I would have liked to have gotten laid or by the type of girls I would have liked to lay –

T: Well, none of us can get laid as much as we like.

S: Yes, unless you’re Gene Simmons or Dave Navarro

T: (Laughter) Or Style.

S: (Swinggcat looking all green-eyed) Ugh! I hate that bastard…he has a better ass than me! (Now revealing a smile)

T: Some would say you rely a lot on your looks as part of your skill.

S: Yes, exactly.

T: How do you respond to that?

S: Well, it depends on how you look at it. My looks – I was in college at the time, I went to college up north, San Francisco Bay area, and my looks got a lot of attention… from men.

T: (Laughter)

S: There was this one time that I was in LA, I think it was for Spring Break during college, and a buddy of mine took me to Skybar, and the whole night – no luck with women whatsoever. Just crashing and burning. It was before I got into this stuff… and there was this guy that came over and he complimented me on my shirt. You know, compliment intro.

T: Yeah.

S: Worked great. He invited me to this after-party, and I went to the after-party, and there are all these girls there. Of course, I struck out left and right. And at the end of the night, he said him and his buddy needed to talk to me for a second. They took me into this room, and basically said “Oh, you are so charming, and so hot, and we would love to hook up with you.” And at that moment, I realized, my looks… were a curse.

T: (Laughter)

S: Not a blessing!

T: I noticed you do get approached by guys a lot.

S: I do, I do, I do.

T: Guys, or really ugly bisexual women.

S: I know (laughs). Well, the Tranny’s love me. I guess because I’m cute, little, and cuddly.

T: But the truth is you don’t really need to be good looking to be good with women, even though it helps.

S: Well no…It is important to be good looking, but one does not have to be conventionally good looking.

T: Hmm…what do you mean?

S: Well, for example, most of the world’s top pick up artists are not exactly what the general female populace would call “conventionally good looking”. There is Mystery who is tall but has a long Pinocchioesque looking snout. Then there are guys like Style, Rick H., David D and myself, who look like little hobbits. Damn…I doubt if a woman saw a picture of us all together she would think we looked like shinning examples of genetic perfection. More likely she would think it was something like a group photo taken from a Lord of the Rings reunion party or a picture of the cast for an upcoming Adams family movie…I don’t know. But irrefutably, she would not mistaken the photo of us as being a page out of an Abercrombie catalogue.

T: So how can a man be good looking if he is not conventionally good looking?

S: The kind of good looking that I am talking about has more to do with being sexy. Let me ask you a question: Have you ever seen a picture of two women, one of which you found to be more attractive, but when you met them in person you found the other one to be more attractive?

T: Yes…interesting.

S: The reason for this is that a person’s body language, facial expressing, personality, and beliefs about themselves, dramatically affect how attractive others find them. Think of the body as a musical instrument. An amateur musician playing something on a really fancy musical instrument is still not going to sound as good as a professional musician playing something on a shitty instrument. Likewise, a guy who is not conventionally good looking who knows how to use his body, is going to be infinitely more attractive than a conventionally good looking guy who doesn’t know how to use his body. Its so funny, but when a guy who is not conventionally good looking knows how to use his body, facial expressions, and personality, women will talk about how physically attractive they find him. I have seen women say this about little tiny bald guys and big fat bastards…It is really hilarious to watch.

T: Yes…there is home for me!

You can visit Swinggcat's website, RealWorldSeduction

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Part 3: Interview With The Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Expert, Swinggcat

An Interview with Swinggcat

In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book “Real World Seduction.” Famous in the Speed Seduction community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of gurus such as David DeAngelo with the amazing debut of his eBook which took a new look at the way Seduction and Attraction can be accomplished.

Now, in this exclusive interview, Swinggcat talks about his background, his development, his theories on seduction and attraction, and what he’s planning for the future.

This interview will be spread into several parts throughout the course of the week. It should be noted that this is a transcribed text of my conversation, and has been edited by me to make it read better.


T: what are some of the things that guys can do with their body to make themselves more attractive?

S: In my book I get really in depth with this stuff. But something really basic that most guys have heard a thousand times, yet still needs to be reinforced is eye contact. This is huge. When first approaching or interacting with a woman, maintain strong eye contact. If you have eye contact with a woman and she does something making you feel uncomfortable, do not look away. When you do this it conveys to her that you are scared, you are reacting to her, she is more worthy than you, and that you are in her reality. If you get scared…and we all get scared at times, do something like curl your toe, I don’t know. But don’t look away. When you make her look away she is reacting to you, thus, she is in your reality. Having a strong gaze will convey to women that even the ugliest guy is the prize. When this is coupled with a warm confident smile, the affect it has on women is profound. I personally know a very ugly dude who has only mastered these two things…and women find him very attractive as a result. Some other basic stuff that will make even model men unattractive is slouched shoulders, and hands in the pockets. This conveys insecurity and lack of self worth. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin, stand tall, and take up space. Anyway, in my book I go really in depth into this and talk about some really subtle things you can do with your body language that will make women see you as being good looking, not in the conventional sense, but in the “sexy sense. This is the kind of good looking that matters. The conventional kind DOESNT REALLY MATTER.

T: great stuff

S: yea…and the other part of being attractive is finding a look that works for you. Wear clothes that look like they belong on your body. If you need to get help from some female friend, do it!—because this is huge.

T: Very true…I think the guy from fashionforfatguys.com make a similar point. To return to your journey after you got the home study course, I am wondering what your first big Suck-sex was?

S: (Laughs) So my first “suck-sex” with this stuff was, um, I’d studied and learned the “incredible connection” pattern, the “fascination” pattern, the “voodoo dildo,” and I think “love vs. attraction.” And I was at a friend of mine’s house, and there was this girl there, and I started running these patterns on her. She was totally intrigued by it. And my friend, he sort of knew what I was doing – some type of “pheromone hypnotist” thing you get on the internet, and he thought it was bullshit. But this girl was into it, she was really digging it. My friend tried cock block me, but she was into me and he couldn’t get anywhere, so he took off, and the girl and I end up going up to a room and… well, I had run out of my four patterns! So I just kept repeating them, over and over again! (laughs) And I was scared to make the move because, you know, I thought that if I didn’t have someone in a deep trance, I really couldn’t make a move. All I needed to do was lean over and grope her.

T: (Laughs)

S: So basically, what happened was, I kept running the patterns, finally made my move on her, ended up bedding her, and I thought “Wow! There’s something to this!” I told some of the guys that I’d met through the Seduction church…I mean “Community” and they were like “Wow, you’re the best we know at this. Because, to be honest with you, none of us have actually been able to get this stuff to work!”

T: (Laughter)

S: That’s fucked up man, don’t laugh…these guys were my idols, and it was really heart wrenching to realize that they actually stunk.

T: So what happened after that suck-sex?

S: And so that was a short-lived success, I kind-of, you know, after that didn’t have much success. And then a buddy of mine introduced me to some commercial live footage of guys using this stuff on women”

T: Oh! The Orion and Kamal videos.

S: Ah, ah, it was… priceless like Mastercard. Wow. Uh, so I studied the videos, I learned the handwriting spiel, and now I didn’t have to worry about walk-ups. I’d just walk up to girls and, you know, my opening line was “If I were to ask you for some of your handwriting, what might you say?” And I’d do the handwriting analysis thing, which is basically a way of doing a cold reading. I started doing the handwriting thing, and then I would kind-of segue into these hypnotic patterns, and attempt to hypnotize them.

I had some success, got number like a rock star, and laid some girls using this, but I slowly started realizing that something was terribly wrong. As soon as I would stop doing the handwriting analysis spiel, the women lost interest in me. If I didn’t lay them within the first half hour while doing the handwriting analysis, it was over. I started to realize I was basically a monkey doing tricks. I was basically setting it up so the woman was the prize, and I was this little monkey who was jumping through hoops, hoping she would accept me. And it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it actually got me laid. I was probably getting laid less than I was before using this, still by warhogs, um, but I did lay some hot girls using it, I have some great stories. I thought that the answer to all my problems was learning even more material…If I could only keep the girl intrigued and liking me by learning even more patterns and routines I would be the master, I speculated.
However, in time I began to realize that not only did I not need more material, but in many cases not trying to FASCINATE them and not trying to get INCREDIBLE CONNECTIONS with them, and not trying to talk about LOVE OR ATTRACTION actually made them more attracted to me. In fact, it was like the less material I did the better I became. I started to realize that attracting women is not about doing things that make them judge you as attractive. When you try to get women to like, be fascinated, or connect with you, it defines your interaction with her as meaning that it is her who is the prize.

You can visit Swinggcat's website, RealWorldSeduction

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Part 4: Interview With The Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Expert, Swinggcat

An Interview with Swinggcat

In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book “Real World Seduction.” Famous in the Speed Seduction community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of gurus such as David DeAngelo with the amazing debut of his eBook which took a new look at the way Seduction and Attraction can be accomplished.

Now, in this exclusive interview, Swinggcat talks about his background, his development, his theories on seduction and attraction, and what he’s planning for the future.

This interview will be spread into several parts throughout the course of the week. It should be noted that this is a transcribed text of my conversation, and has been edited by me to make it read better.


T: Now, let’s back up a bit, because you did kind-of become a celebrity on the SS List…

S: Yes I did.

T: How did that happen?

S: How that happened is, um, during the time that I was using the handwriting analysis, I did have some pretty amazing success using this hypnotic seduction. And I did start to do things that I couldn’t do before. I think a lot of us kind-of get into this stuff not just because we want to get laid more, but we want a sense of control over certain social interactions with women, and as I started using the SS, even though it wasn’t the most effective stuff in the world, it started giving me control over these interactions. Instead of haphazardly, kind-of helter-skelter going about it, I was kind-of able to direct where it was going.

As I was able to do this, I did start to have certain lays, and I started to post them to the SS list, and people started to take notice. And the more this happened, the more I started to get into kind-of sophisticated hypnotic techniques. And I posted this thing to the SS List… that I was doing on women, and a man who was on the list by the name of Mark Cunningham, along with Tom Vizzini, flamed me. And basically, Ross Jeffries came in to my defense and said that “Some of us aren’t good looking. Some of us HAVE to use techniques like this.”

Ross e-mailed me after that and was wondering what exactly I was doing, and shortly after that I met Ross in LA. And Ross met me, and I think when he first met me he was a bit surprised because I looked normal. You know, I had both eyeballs and I wasn’t missing any teeth…

T: But let’s start talking about the point where you started coming into your own, away from SS, where you got into kind-of your own model of seduction, really.

S: So this is an interesting thing, um… during… oh, let’s see… in terms of timeframe I think this was 2001, that’s when I first started hanging out with Ross. And I also became quite a powerful hypnotist. I don’t consider myself on par with people like Steve Piccus, or Mike DuBay, but I’m pretty good and I can put these girls into trances. How it started that Ross Jeffries took notice of me is, when I moved down to LA from college, I had kind-of taken over the Southern California Seduction Lair. I was very active in college with the Northern California Seduction Lair, also known as the EBSS list -- East Bay Speed Seduction List -- and so when I came down here, I gathered a bunch of guys together and we all met at 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica, and I was talking about these different seduction techniques I used.

And you know, they were a bit skeptical of what I was about, and stuff like that, because as we know there are a lot of armchair seducers within this world, a lot of people who talk big, a lot of frauds. And I was talking about this stuff that at the time I could do somewhat consistently. I was basically talking about a form of hypnotic conditioning where within about 5 minutes of meeting the girl, I’d be fondling her breasts and making out with her.

They were very intrigued and one of the guys there, I think he goes by the handle A1FunLover, challenged me to do it on this girl walking by. And so, basically within 5 minutes of meeting her, I put her into a trance, was fondling her breasts, and making out with her. Well, what happened was, these guys, as soon as they got home, posted to the SS List: “I’d been studying this stuff all these years, and thought it was fake… but it’s real! And there’s this guy, Swinggcat, who can make out with girls within 5 minutes using these very sophisticated techniques.”

Well, within about 10 minutes of them putting this post up on the SS List, I get a private e-mail from Ross saying “Don’t post what you did, I need to meet up with you immediately.” So we made plans to meet up, and I gotta be honest with you, I was excited to meet up with him. At that point he was kind-of a big name, you know, I’d learned all this stuff from him. I was a bit intimidated, and I didn’t want to meet up with him alone, so I flaked on him. And he wrote me this angry e-mail back, you know, accused me of being a sociopath because I flaked, you know.

About a month later, a man by the name of IN10SE arranged a meeting between Ross and I at the 3rd street promenade. And the guys that were present were IN10SE, my good friend Merovingian, and Ross. And we met up, and I sort of remember when I met up I showed up late, because that’s my trademark, I’m notoriously late. And I showed up about an hour late at Boarders, because that’s where I’m supposed to meet them, and no one was there. So I was about to take off, and then I saw IN10SE. IN10SE came up to me and he’s like “Swinggcat, the guru is very mad at you.” And so I thought this was a joke, or whatever, so we walked over to Barnes and Noble, which is where the others were now waiting, and Ross gave me this dirty look. And then he put out his hand, so I put out my hand and I went to shake it. And he pulled me into him and then he spilled coffee all over me and said “Ah! You fucker! You spilled my coffee!” And at that moment, I knew something was terribly wrong.

T: Oh my god. Now, you’re serious? This actually happened?

S: This actually happened. This is real. Well… by the way, I stole that tactic from him. It’s quite good, quite effective.

T: (Laughs)

S: So anyways, we meet or whatever, and Ross, being the guru, takes the frame and he says that he thinks we should go over to the nearest Starbucks and sarge… I think it was the Starbucks on Wilshire. So we all walk over to Wilshire and I go kind-of inside the coffee shop to see if there’s any “honey bunnies” as Ross calls it. Now, I got to admit, I was a little bit intimidated to approach girls in front of this guy. We definitely had no rapport. I mean, he talks about this Golden Bubble stuff, I don’t know if he was breaking rapport intentionally, but I did not feel that “Incredible Connection” with him.

So anyways, he was outside, he saw some girl out there, he started chatting her up, I come outside, and he tries to get me to talk to her. I’m kind-of weird about talking to a girl around him, so I try and get IN10SE to talk to her, and uh, basically, he says “No, I want YOU to talk to her Swingg.” So I end up talking to the girl, drop her into a hypnotic trance, start fondling her breasts, and out of… kind-of in the periphery of my hearing, I hear Ross going “Thank God! Thou shall strike revenge upon the female race! Speed Seduction IS real!” And, you know, I thought “Ross Jeffries is the master, he can do a lot better than me.” But I don’t think Ross had ever seen anything like it. And in that moment he realized that there was someone that could actually make his stuff work.

T: So you had his stamp of approval at that point?

S: I had his stamp of approval, and at that point, he started building me up on the list as being this kind-of “super” SSer. As one of his top students, when in fact during that time, he really was becoming more of my student. He started incorporating many, you know, many of my ideas into his videos, into what he kind-of dubbed the “new model” of seduction.

T: Some would say the best teachers learn from their students.

S: very true.

You can visit Swinggcat's website, RealWorldSeduction

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Part 5: Interview With The Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Expert, Swinggcat

An Interview with Swinggcat

In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book “Real World Seduction.” Famous in the Speed Seduction community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of gurus such as David DeAngelo with the amazing debut of his eBook which took a new look at the way Seduction and Attraction can be accomplished.

Now, in this exclusive interview, Swinggcat talks about his background, his development, his theories on seduction and attraction, and what he’s planning for the future.

This interview will be spread into several parts throughout the course of the week. It should be noted that this is a transcribed text of my conversation, and has been edited by me to make it read better.


T: Now, around this time when you were coming up in the ranks of SS, Ross was having a bit of a flame war with Mystery on Cliff’s List, right?

S: That’s right.

T: And he actually put you and IN10SE up against Mystery and anyone of his choosing.

S: That’s right.

T: Now, were you introduced to Mystery before that point? Or was that your introduction to Mystery Method?

S: I don’t recall, we’re gonna have to look at the actual date of that. But this is before that recent post that he made about challenging me against Erik. This is a couple years ago. This is actually… maybe it was before he met Erik.

T: You mean Mystery.

S: Well, his identity is already out there now, so it doesn’t matter. Now, as I discovered later on, I’m gonna sort-of fast forward here, I became a big celeb after that, Ross built me up, I started becoming a star at his seminars, you know, it’s kind-of like a “Rocky” thing – rise to the top. Fast forward, I think a big part of why I had success with his material is… he gave me something to say. Um, I’m a guy, you know, not the greatest looking guy in the world, but I’m not a bad looking guy. Good personality. I have confidence, which is a big part of my system. And the fact of the matter is he gave me something to say and he was the first one to introduce me to, having a sense of control over the interaction, you know . Not fully controlling, but it was my first taste of what it was like to control a social interaction. And I think for those reasons, I did very well with his material. As I found out later on, it wasn’t his material at all that was getting me the success with women, it was something else, and that something is what I’ve developed over the years.

You can visit Swinggcat's website, RealWorldSeduction

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.

Part 6: Interview With The Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Expert, Swinggcat

An Interview with Swinggcat

In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book “Real World Seduction.” Famous in the Speed Seduction community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of gurus such as David DeAngelo with the amazing debut of his eBook which took a new look at the way Seduction and Attraction can be accomplished.

Now, in this exclusive interview, Swinggcat talks about his background, his development, his theories on seduction and attraction, and what he’s planning for the future.

This interview will be spread into several parts throughout the course of the week. It should be noted that this is a transcribed text of my conversation, and has been edited by me to make it read better.


Thundercat: So how did you start developing your own method?

Swinggcat: So, this is an interesting story, let me back up a bit. Before I moved back down to LA, I was still living in my college town, wasn’t going to school up there, but like a lot of kids, wanted to pretend I was in college for a longer time than I really was. I met a guy who in this community goes by the name “Primoman.” Primoman played a kind-of very pivotal role in my breakout from the whole SS system. I met Primoman in the summer of 2001, through the EBSS Seduction Lair.

And Primoman was the guy who originally told me that there was a guy named Mystery who was great, there was a guy named David DeAngelo who was phenomenal -- although he wasn’t called David DeAngelo back then, he was called… I think it was “Hypnotize” spelled backwards.

Thundercat: Sisonpyh

Swinggcat: Sisonpyh. Yes, exactly. Anyways, he told me about this guy, and about all these different guys, and everyone else in the EBSS thought this guy was full of shit. But I told Primoman “You know what? I’ll try out your method. I’ll try out all this new stuff.” So we went to a bar, and I started doing my hypnotic seduction stuff. And Primoman looked at me and he’s like (in a high pitched voice) “Swinggcat, you got to bust their balls. And you don’t want to talk about any of the deep stuff. You gotta be superficial, don’t be intellectual. Girls don’t like that in a bar, Mmm-hmmmm.”

Thundercat: (Laughs)

Swinggcat: And I was thinking “What was this guy up to?” But I decided I’ll give this clown a shot. He wanted to try out this routine called the “Mr. Smooth.” So there’s this chick, I think she was a law student, and I did some hypnotic seduction on her and had her in a nice little trance. Then Primoman goes up to her and does this “Mr. Smooth” routine, and he basically says to her like (holding his hand out like a microphone in the high-pitched Primoman voice) “Hey, what is it like to be on my game show? Mmm-hmmmm.”

She looks at him like he’s dog shit, and then he says to her… and I guess he got this from a guy named Grand Master -- Grand Master’s ball-busting tactic. He looks at the girl, looks her up and down, and in his dolt-esque way, takes a deep breath and says “Mmmmm!” Suddenly grabs her boobies, big bear-paw grab with both hands, and says “You’re an intelligent woman,” squeezing her boobs as he’s bobbing up and down, with his big, dumb, deer eyes, sucking in his lips, “Mmm-hmmmm.”

She completely turns white, like Casper the Ghost. Oh, but he doesn’t stop there. He grabs his… I don’t even want to say it… genitals, and says “I’m an intelligent man.” At this point she goes to turn away from him, and he gets her leg and says “And we should have an intelligent conversation!” as he’s thrusting her back and forth, humping her like a horny Chiwawa. And she proceeds to slap him and get the two very large men she’s with to beat him up.

And it’s interesting, because in bars I think most guys, they kind-of want to dominate, or out-alpha other guys, but they don’t really want to fight. So these guys, they come up and they try to intimidate him, and he just antagonizes the guys more. Well, I had to work stuff out to avoid a fight. And on our way out, he’s like “I really think we made progress with the Mr. Smooth stuff. Mmm-hmmmm. This is so much more effective than anything else. YAH!”

So, basically, I thought all the stuff that he was talking about was garbage, but I went out with him several times, had to defend him in a couple fights, but I noticed even though I had better pick ups or what have you, there was something slightly different about what he was doing. For whatever reason, the girls he approached were trying to get rapport with him. They were chasing him, and I couldn’t quite figure out why that was.

But then I was reading through some posts one day, and there was a guy on there named Zvi. And he posted a bunch of stuff very similar to what Primo was doing. I read it, and I was like “Hmmm. There’s really something to what he’s doing.” He wasn’t trying to get rapport with girls, in fact, he would miss-matching them. He would actually break rapport with them on purpose and he would mercilessly tease girls, and he wouldn’t pattern them. In fact, sometimes he wouldn’t even talk that much. He’d kind-of make the girl talk. And he wouldn’t ask her questions. The girl ended up kind-of qualifying herself, and there was something to these posts. And, you know, about a day after that, certain people on the list end up flaming Zvi, saying that he’s full of shit, and all this stuff, and everything that he was doing comes from a guy named “Hypnotize backwards.”

Thundercat: Sisonpyh.

Swinggcat: We’ll just call him Sisonpyh. And the flamers went on to say that Sisonpyh got all this stuff from a guy named “Rick H.” And that it’s good for a certain sort of girl, but this just won’t work on women. Well, like I’ve always been since I was a little kid, when someone tells me “Don’t do something,” I want to do it. I want to find out more about it.

So I got introduced to this thing called Cliff’s List, and I noticed this Sisonpyh guy had been posting all of this stuff on there. It wasn’t “trying to get rapport with them,” it wasn’t “eliciting values,” it wasn’t “asking questions,” and I experimented with it and got results tantamount to Primoman’s. You know, got some drinks in my face, you know, didn’t get beat up, but pretty close a couple times.

And then one day I was trying some of his tactics out on this 325 lbs. black woman, and it’s like the more I teased her, the more I ignored her… the more she would try and touch me. And I realized there was something I was doing there. I wasn’t getting rapport with her, I wasn’t trying -- in fact, I was doing the opposite. By not attracting her, she kind-of became attracted. And at that point I realized there was something fundamentally wrong about the underlying meaning of the interaction that I was setting with women.

So anyways, fast forward, I moved down to LA, and in the back of my mind I knew about this ball-busting stuff. Around this time, that Mystery guy that Primoman told me about started giving these workshops. He gave a workshop in Los Angeles, and I had thought about the idea of maybe taking the workshop, but I didn’t take it. After that, there was a guy by the name of “Chris Powles,” who later became Style, wrote a rave review about the seminar. I wanted to see what the big hoop-la was, so I e-mailed him. We hooked up and we went out to a party, and after that we went to some bar, and Chris Powles’ whole spiel was he’d do these magic tricks. And I wasn’t very impressed, this guy wasn’t very good, um, later on of course he became great, but he was the one who introduced me to Mystery.

About a month after that, he introduced me to a guy named Sindrome, aka Sin. Sin was this little, pale, goth kid who looked like Eddy Munster on LSD. He a real high-pitched nasal voice. And my first introduction to him was, I went to go meet Chris Powels, Style, at this party, and I walk in, and this little kid, Sindrome, has all these people sitting around him listening to his stories, courting all this attention. And I realize “This is a powerful guy. This is a guy with a STRONG reality. This is a guy that I want to get to know.”

So we hung out, and although I wasn’t impressed with his seduction skills, I was impressed with how well he could court attention. I was also impressed with how he could easily talk to tons of chicks and get great reactions. And I realized that he was doing something that I hadn’t learned before. I started picking up on that there was something terribly wrong with what I was doing. I was considered one of the best at seducing women, and when it came to walk-ups, you know, I had great seductions that would go well, but half the time it wouldn’t go well.

This guy was doing something different. He didn’t use NLP, but he still was triggering attraction within women, and he wasn’t doing it by seducing either. He was doing something else. He had a strong reality, and he was somehow sucking people into his reality. From then on you know I was a changed man…I learned a new way of approaching women and how to suck them into my reality…very different than what I was doing before. This was the embarking upon the journey to “real success”…far beyond the days number just getting number closes and just getting kiss closes. This planted the seed for the method I developed that lets me live the mutha fuckin sick life style I live today…Caligula style sick....I used to molest girls, but now I have tools that they are trying molesting me. I know by going for the kiss and then pulling back I am making them reach for more…often times so much more that they are trying to molest me. And this ain’t about hypnotizing girls, its so fucking different and easier….its like once you get it it cant get easier. And something I’ve been thinking about lately, and that is “What is reality anyways?” And I think reality comes down to 3 things…

You can visit Swinggcat's website, RealWorldSeduction

DatingTipsForMen publishes top dating, attraction, and seduction articles.