Friday, May 14, 2010

The Raquette - The Most Powerful Archetype Of Seducer

Question From Reader:

Hey Swinggcat

This is Tomi. I've mailed you a couple times about how sweet your book is and I got a question about something that really confuses me BUT I'll tell you what has been working with me so far and how I'm doing. So I'll just lay it all out right now.

I'm at chapter 11: Push-Pull. In the past few months I can definitely say my comfort zone has increased, and I honestly thought it would never ever happen this way, I still got a ways to go but I can see the improvement, I'm making progress.

I'm building on my character and becoming who I want to become, who I've always been but couldn't show. This gives me confidence, leading to a stronger reality and I really am seeing what you meant in one of your quotes, "the correlation between a woman's looks and how she reacts to you is as strong as a 6 year old girl". This makes me laugh because in many cases it's too true :P.

I know I'm non-reactive, and it's just so much easier being this way because it allows you to think and builds prizability. I'm still working on my meta-intent, I'm really not sure what I want in a girl it's just that there's so many directions I could go.

Anyways as you read I'm on the push-pull part of the book, I started part 3 about a week ago and I like :) But one bit I couldn't understand was 'The Coquette' and 'The Rake'. You said the Coquette was the embodiment of the push, but instead of pushing women away, it pulls them in. It was right after the part talking about the push, so I'm assuming its meant to be a push, but it also pulls woman in. I'm confused, I'm really having trouble differentiating the push between the coquette.

- Tomi from Ontario

Swinggcat’s Response:


Congrats on increasing your comfort zone. You and I know this is a result of doing the exercises from Chapter 2.

Funny side story: When I was a kid, my mom coaxed me into going to a therapist to “cope” with my shyness.

He fed me some psychobabble about how your personality is cut in stone by the ripe age of seven. He told me, “If you’re shy, you’re always gonna be shy… and there’s nothing you can do about it… the key is to learn to accept it.”

Anyone who’s done the exercises from Chapter 2 knows that this is a bunch of B.S.

“I'm building on my character and becoming who I want to become, who I've always been but couldn't show.”

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that this is a result of reading Chapter 1: Developing The Attributes Of Men Women Respond To As The Prize.

As you know, developing these attributes transforms you into the man you’ve always wanted to be but couldn’t.

“I really am seeing what you meant in one of your quotes, "the correlation between a woman's looks and how she reacts to you is as strong as a 6 year old girl". This makes me laugh because in many cases it's too true :P.”

Yes. So many guys think their looks prevent them from getting the girl of their dreams. Before approaching a girl, they think, “How do my looks measure up to hers?”

“If my looks fall short of hers,” they believe, “I’ll get a bad reaction.”

But this isn’t true. I've met 200 lb. females with more facial hair than a teenage boy sport egos the size of a hot air balloon. On the other hand, I know models with the confidence of a battered dog.

More importantly, your looks play only a small factor in determining how a woman reacts to you.

Your confidence, social awareness, and skill at attracting women are much more important.

“One bit I couldn't understand was 'The Coquette' and 'The Rake'. You said the Coquette was the embodiment of the push, but instead of pushing women away, it pulls them in. It was right after the part talking about the push, so I'm assuming its meant to be a push, but it also pulls woman in. I'm confused, I'm really having trouble differentiating the push between the coquette.”

The coquette and the rake are classic seducer archetypes. Each one embodies half of Push-Pull.

The coquette intoxicates women by taking a step backward. His power lies in his ability to briefly withdraw his attention and interest from women, his lack of need to appease them, his self-reliance, and his willingness criticize their flaws.

While he proactively Pushes them away, he ends up Pulling them in. Put better, by Pushing them away, he sparks sexual tension and compels them to win him over. (I hope this answers your question.)

A big part of coquetting is being nonreactive.

Most men think acting nonreactive is keeping your emotions in check when women tease, test, challenge, or flake on you.

That’s part of it.

Here’s another part...

Have you ever laughed at a woman’s joke you didn’t get or find funny?

Why did you do it?

Maybe you didn’t wanna look like an idiot.

Maybe you felt bad for her.

Maybe you feared breaking rapport.

Maybe you wanted her to like you.

Believe it or not, the coquette wouldn’t laugh.

This may seem a bit harsh.

But when you laugh at a woman’s unfunny joke you’re attempting to get her validation.

Or, even worse, flattering her in a way that comes across with the sincerity of a used car salesman.

This reactive response might work for the moment but over the long haul, it nail files your Prizability down flat.

By the coquette acting nonreactive, the girl feels emotionally driven to make him laugh. In other words, she struggles to get his validation, transforming him into a prize she wants win over.

Should you refrain from laughing even when you find a joke funny?

Yuck. Sooner than later, women will be onto your mind game and then they’ll find you about as appealing as a dingle berry.

This only scratches the surface of acting nonreactive around women. If you want to master the ins-and-outs of acting nonreactive around women, get yourself a copy of Real World Seduction 2.0.

The rake is the embodiment of the Pull.

According to the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Young, everyone carries around a shadow. This is the side of them repressed by society. A big part of a woman’s shadow is sexual desire.

Alas, society looks down upon loose women and throttles them from fully expressing their sexual desire. This makes their shadow grow bigger and causes an internal strife to keep the shadow shackled up inside or to let it out.

The rake is a master at cajoling women into letting their shadow out. He does this through giving women validation and attention. His power lies in letting women know the sexual affect they have on him.

At first, women may resist, feign disgust, or accuse him of being a lecher. But secretly this makes them feel sexy. Sooner than later, they let their shadow out.

The most powerful seducers are what I call raquettes.

The raquette is a highbred: half rake, half coquette. He is an expert at Push-Pull: half the time he Pushes women away; the other, he Pulls them in.

This cocktail of Pushes and Pulls fills a woman head-to-toe with sexual tension, giving you the power to take the interaction in the direction you choose.

Go here to become a master raquette and receive other powerful seduction tips.

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