Friday, May 14, 2010

A Key Attribute For Seducing Women

By Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction 2.0

Take a guess what kind of men women find attractive.

The hapless collective male thinks you need a litany of material characteristics in tow to attract women.

This "seems" about right.

Listen in on a gaggle of females chattering on about what they look for in a man. They'll yap on about how they want a man sporting Johnny Depp's face, Christian Bale's physique, Warren Buffett's money, and John Lennon's fame.

Yet many of these females will sleep with and marry men with none of these things.

How do we resolve the paradox?

Here's the answer: the attributes women think they want in a man and the attributes that unconsciously drive them to see a man as a Prize bear little resemblance.

I'm going to focus on one of these characteristics: assuming a female wants you from the get go.

In the Empire Strikes Back there's a scene where Han Solo is being frozen in carbonite.

Here's how George Lucas originally wrote the scene:

Princess Lea gushes, "I love you."

Han gushes back, "I love you too."

Lucas thought the writing was romantic. But it wasn't.

So the day they filmed the scene, Harrison Ford, the actor who played Han Solo, threw Lucas a monkey wrench by veering off script.

When Princess Leia gushed, "I love you," he knowingly said, "I know."

What a pimp.

This single line made Empire Strikes Back a cult classic.

Whenever females hear Harrison Ford deliver the words "I know," their heart thuds with excitement.

Don't women think this is a bit arrogant?


Nonetheless, when a man sees himself as a Prize, women are hard-wired to sexually respond to him.

Will this work if a woman is not attracted to you?

Yes. Beliefs are contagious. If your belief is strong enough, she'll start believing it too.

I've got a few questions for ya...

Have you ever spotted a girl you'd like to meet but didn't approach her because you thought your social value wasn't high enough?

Have you ever wanted to get physical with a girl but didn't because you thought she was out of your league?

If you've experienced any of these things, it's because you didn't - or don't - have the belief that you're the Prize.

Once you have this belief attracting women becomes as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

Just imagine approaching a woman most men think is out of their league. She isn't attracted to you at first. But within minutes of meeting her, she starts touching you. You guys start kissing. Before you know it, she invites you back to her place to make sweet passionate monkey love.

That's what life is like when you believe you're the Prize.

Big Warning: You cannot just tell yourself to start believing you're the Prize.

Changing your beliefs is a little more involved than that.

That's why I've dedicated a whole chapter in my book Real World Seduction 2.0 to changing your beliefs. Inside you'll get powerful techniques that quickly mutate your self-image into a Prize women want to win over.

Plus, in Real World Seduction 2.0 you'll receive a PhD education on generating attract, compelling women to see you as the Prize, and taking your female interactions in exactly the direction you choose.

Click here to get Real World Seduction and receive other seduction tips.

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