Monday, November 22, 2004

How To Get More Power & Choice With Women Part 4

By Swinggcat - author of Real World Seduction


Hey Swinggcat,

I got your book which I think is great. I especially liked the part where you said to a girl that since she wasn't bi-sexual, therelationship wouldn't work out because she'd bring ugly girls home. I laughed for 10 min about that one. I really like that you assign homework in your book which gives a goal that I feel that I have to meet, instead of just reading through a book and then saying 'ok, now what?'

Awhile ago I met this girl and ever since I've been teasing her, being funny and flirtatious. At one point she called me out and said that I had flirted with her since the day I met her which just proves how good girls are at picking up on that stuff (I was honestly just being myself and not trying to 'hit on her'). But she picked up on the flirting instantly.

There have been several times now where I could have hooked up with her but I choose not to because I can wait and because I can literally feel the sexual tension building, which I know is a good thing. Last night after she left my place she sent me an instant message which goes like this:

Her: why are you so shy?

ME: why do you want to know?

Her: you are more mysterious than i am...and it drives me insane

ME: good, my plan is working then

Her: haha, honestly, i'm curious

Her: i feel like u are afraid to talk to me

Her: BUT you intrigue the hell out of i cant stop talking to you

ME: i'm not afraid to talk to you

Her: im going to break your shell

Her: and i did not mean that sexually

ME: well yeah, cause that shell's already broken

Her: lol

Her: fine, no pulling teeth tonight

ME: well good cause I need my teeth to eat

Her: im mad that i actually laughed out loud to that

Her: but i will find out your secret

she then tells me that she can't figure out why ihaven't made a move on her yet, but that she'sabsolutely intrigued and can't get enough of it. and that she hates talking online cause she wants a serious answer. which from reading your material and other stuff like it i know not to give her. so my question is, now that i've got this sexual tension built up, do i keep going with it? or do i 'make a move'?

i'm not so concerned about this situation inparticular. i just want to know in general is itbetter to keep building the tension until she is so frustrated/intrigued that she'll make the first move? or is it better to take the lead and make a move on my terms?
H from Philly

Swinggcat Responds:

First off: Great job for the work you did thus far.

I'd, though, get physical with her ASAP. I'm all for building tension, but if you let too much time elapse, things will fizzle out.

Sometimes I don't give women direct answers; other times I do. It really depends on the context. But, even if I tell a woman a lot about me, I'm always careful to leave something incomplete, making her come back for more.
Many times - not always - a woman accusing a man she's flirting with of being shy or gay is a sign that she is interested but feels he isn't giving her back any salient signs of interest.

Often times, responding to these accusation by acting nervous and insecure, or trying to prove to her that they aren't true, will kill any attraction that is there. There are exceptions, but, generally speaking, they will exterminate attraction faster than a can of Raid kills insects. When a woman accuses you of being shy, you need to turn it around on her.

I'm going to share something with you I wasn't going to put in a newsletter because it's that good. But what the heck - I'm feeling generous today.

Next time she accuses you of being shy, say, "You know what: I'm usually not shy around girl but, yes, I'm a little shy around you. To be honest, you scare me." She'll inevitably ask you why. Respond to her in a sarcastic tone with, "because you are already trying to domesticate me and we barely even know each other yet."

There is a lot of subtle and powerful communication in this. If you have read my book carefully you probably have an understanding of the power behind this. You should, nonetheless, reread the chapters on frames and reframing; and also, reread the newsletter, Turning Barriers Into Benefits. As your understanding of these concepts grow, you'll become lightening fast at coming up with on-the-fly, witty quips and comebacks to accusations women make toward you. Because my book breaks down the secret mechanisms behind successful comebacks, your need to have canned lines will be eliminated. In my upcoming audio course I go even deeper into the psychology of the comeback, giving you even more control over your interactions withwomen.
But if you have NOT yet downloaded a copy of my book, do so. It really lays the foundation for everything I'm going teach in my audio course.

Think back to all the times you might have gotten a girl but didn't because you didn't know what to say or how to respond. Stop letting these opportunities slip you by and let me spoon-feed you the necessary skills, giving you the power to always have the right words in every situation.
Do something about this part of your life today by downloading my book.

Real World Seduction

Your Loyal Dating Coach,


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