Thursday, October 28, 2004

Part 8: Interview With The Dating, Seduction, & Attraction Expert, Swinggcat

An Interview with Swinggcat

In November of 2003, Swinggcat surprised the seduction community with the release of his book “Real World Seduction.” Famous in the Speed Seduction community, respected by some of the best pick-up artists world wide, but relatively unknown to the general populous, Swinggcat quickly joined the ranks of gurus such as David DeAngelo with the amazing debut of his eBook which took a new look at the way Seduction and Attraction can be accomplished.

Now, in this exclusive interview, Swinggcat talks about his background, his development, his theories on seduction and attraction, and what he’s planning for the future.

This interview will be spread into several parts throughout the course of the week. It should be noted that this is a transcribed text of my conversation, and has been edited by me to make it read better.


Thundercat: Every system has its drawbacks.

Swinggcat: That’s right. I mean, it reminds me of Adam the Natural. You know, to Adam the Natural, it doesn’t really matter. If a girl doesn’t impress him “Buh-bye!” And I mean, the thing about it is, we’ve talked about this before, he loses a lot of girls. And it’s like “Oh, if he was a LITTLE bit more interesting, a little bit more interested in her, he’d get so many more girls.” But then he’d cease to be in that frame. He’d cease to define the whole interaction in that way. It works because he truly doesn’t care. There’s a Zen to it, there really is. So that’s terribly important.

But the other thing is to always be conscious of where you are in the interaction and how it’s being defined, because the reality is women WILL test us. Women test us all the time. Or they do things to kind-of get control of the interaction, and what I mean is they try and define the underlying meaning of the interaction as YOU chasing THEM. And, often times we do a lot of great stuff when we really aren’t into a girl, and they start chasing us. For instance, maybe you’re in a bar, and you’re teasing this girl, you’re giving her a hard time, she’s chasing you… and then she says to you “Oh, we could never get together because I have a boyfriend.” And she might be saying this for numerous reasons, but it’s a test. And all a test is, is a behavior that she does, in which you react to it, and she judges your reaction to it. Whenever she’s judging you in any way, it’s a test. She might do so inadvertently. Maybe she’s scared, and she says “I have a boyfriend,” because she’s just so attracted to you.

Thundercat: (Laughs)
Swinggcat: But the fact of the matter is, she says “I have a boyfriend,” she just says it out of nowhere, right? You’re slammed dead in your tracks, and you say to her something like “I’m better than him,” or “I’m funnier than him.” And you start qualifying yourself to her. You start trying to prove to her that you’re worthy. Now who’s chasing who? You’re chasing her and she’s going to judge that because she wants a man who’s the prize. When she’s the prize, you cease to be the prize. So, is the right way to respond to it is not to qualify yourself at all? Some people might even say “Say Nothing.” I think both are wrong. I think there’s another way of thinking. And what I think what you can do, is you can reframe, or redefine the underlying meaning of what she just said.

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